Wave Robo Advisor: an AI Investment Software for Lazybones

Wave Robo Advisor by Davinci Technology, is a new star in AI investment field. After nearly three years of research and more than a year of market test, Wave Robo Advisor has launched its product, Robo Advisor Family, which integrates the function of MT5, starts the craze of social investment, and breaks through the barriers between lazybones and investment experts.




无论是简单的付费文字广告,还是具有深厚原创功力的各类文章,软文发布【海讯社haixunpr.com】都与传统营销中所使用的文案、广告有很大不同,具备多种特点。 一、主题集中。软文主旨不是零碎的,而是有完整主题的。即使再短的软文,也应提供独特而专一的主题。文案、广告可以是一个简单的口号,如"以取暖器为您带来春天般感受'而软文则可以围绕该取暖器的使用过程,打造出一个XX取暖器为某人带来春天般温暖的故事。

How to use the carton handheld printer Pay attention to these matters when using

Abstract Carton hand-held inkjet printer, also known as portable inkjet printer, is a portable inkjet printer. It can be carried with you, and it is light and easy to operate. Carton handheld printers are widely used in workshops, warehouses, logistics and freight yards, offices, etc. They can print simple product dates, shelf life, models, specifications and other product information, and can als

HeyGears Rocks The Industry with Its New 3D Printers

Cologne, Germany-March 12, 2019 HeyGears, one of the top innovators in the 3D printing industry unveiled its fully scalable production solution for the global dental market at the International Dental Show (IDS) in Cologne, Germany. HeyGears is expanding its global dental market in order to provide an end-to-end solution which meets the comprehensive needs of all dental and orthodontic labs, empow

Suggestions on choosing a laser printer

1. Reliability is the key When your laser printer is reliable and consistent in quality, you save valuable time and money. Choose a laser printer that meets your production line requirements to avoid unnecessary delays.

当你走进CASA BIJOUX 的时候,将走近全世界了


The tour of Chinese sanitary ware brand attracting global cooperation

Abstract: IMEX is a famous sanitary ware brand in China. IMEX is now inviting more partners to join hands together to offer brilliant service and products to Europe. Tangshang China.With 25 years of experience as a manufacturer, IMEX always focus on the sanitary ware industry and with precise and professional working spirit turn itself to be trusted “craftsman.”


探索新远洋——中国人的“行者”计划 30000公里、20天、北美洲、太平洋、墨西哥索科洛群岛、坎昆洞穴,船宿、鲸鱼、海豹、魔鬼鱼、海豚、锤头鲨、风浪、世界最大洞穴系统、硫化氢层、故事在发生之前都是未知的。 2019年初,来自天南地北的8个中国人,他们因“行者”纪录片拍摄计划而相聚在大洋彼岸,为探索而出发,为呈现绝密的景观而背上百斤设备,拉开了“墨西哥行动”的序幕。


世界最大のエイズ団体が来たるC20サミットに参加、G20がグローバルファンド第6次増資募金の目標額達成を保証するという約束を履行するよう引き続き要請 日本、東京--(海讯社)--2019年のG20サミットが6月28日から29日に開催される予定の中、エイズ医療財団(AHF)は、Civil 20(C20)の取り組みをサポートし、致死率の高い感染症と闘う上で最も効果的な方法である、G20の世界エイズ・結核・マラリア対策基金への全額出資という約束の履行を求めるため、日本のC20サミットで他の市民社会組織(CSO)に合流参加しています。

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